Accelerate Camp

Last Week The Accelerate Academy went on camp for 2 nights and 3 days. On The first day the year sevens went to ropes course and paintball. On The Bus i sat in the fount with Cheyanne and Ngati-kaari because we all get sick. Finally after the long bus ride we got off and paintball we all had to walk down a 1km steep hill.Finally when we got down the hill we saw what the high ropes looked like. About 45 mins later we got to start climbing i went onto the rickety bridge which was really scary because i don't like heights. But when i got up onto the bridge it was so fun. Everyone looked some miniature and small. The Ropes instructor said 'Kaitlyn Do a forward role' I was going to do one and all i heard was Toby saying 'I Bet You Cant Do it Kaitlyn' But You know what i did do it, it was so much fun. But then when i did the roly poly i fell of the side SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On The Second day of camp the year Sevens went to Waimarino which was so much fun. In The Morning we all went out kayaking and i tried to stand up but you what i fell out and Chevaaniawas so mean she wouldn't rescue me. What a sad one aye. Finally After Lunch we got to do all the activities there the first one i went on was the small diving board and then the next one up but sadly i couldn't go on the ultra high cause it was closed down So Boo Hoo But anywayt When the lady opened the blob i went and jumped off the first person i blobed was Liam i think i remember but Liam wen really really high and he landed on his head ouch but lucky for him he had a helmet on.At about 3.30 we got back into the bus and drove back to camp.That night I couldn't sleep because i had a saw arm and i was sick. On The last day the year sevens had to stay at the lodge and clean up. Keri, Sasha, Charmaine, Kelsey and I had to clean the girls toilets cause now on else would sad aye. After we cleaned the whole camp and our bags were in the vans we got free time. Everyone went all weird cause they thought someone was in the bush and stuff. But anyway camp was really fun i enjoyed it except for some little bits spoiled it.